I liked it. The characters were believable, the story was interesting, and there were realistic conflicts. It managed to hold my attention and even captivated one of my sisters who is a slower reader and needs a gripping story in order to read a book all the way through.
There were some elements that seemed unbalanced. The time management issues experienced by the protagonist, Glee Granger, were a little overblown, in my opinion. At times she was difficult to relate to, and at others I wanted to scream at everyone else in the book to stop giving her such a hard time. The romance element was barely there, for better or worse. You'll root for the main characters to 'get together already', but it's no epic love story.
But Ms. Hunt's real triumph is the character of Sema, the baby gorilla Glee adopts and raises. She will steal your heart even more completely than the picture on the cover. While the idea of a gorilla being able to see God - and even more eyebrow raising, to communicate that fact - may be a little contoversial to a Christian crowd, I had no problem with it in the context of the story. It definitely made me think, which is what a good book should do. Definitely recommended.
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