Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kristen Heitzmann - Freefall

Heitzmann is a good writer. You can't deny that. She uses words with skill and comes up with good stories. Her characters are well drawn and substantial. In Freefall, both the main and minor characters are interesting and believable. Heitzmann goes to some lengths to explore their depths, and I enjoyed that.

If you're a fan of action and intrigue, you will appreciate the way Heitzmann reveals their true strengths and weaknesses by placing them in critical situations. I do not happen to be a fan of action and intrigue. I prefer social maneuvering, awkward situations, intellectual battles, and the working out of relationships within that framework. Action sequences tend to bore me, no matter how exciting or scary they would be in real life.

Thankfully, Freefall is a nice long read, so there's plenty of room between the abductions and attempted murders to get to know the characters under relatively normal conditions. Definitely not my favourite, but respectable light reading.

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